Simplifying Algebraic Expressions With Parentheses & Variables – Combining Like Terms – Algebra

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions With Parentheses & Variables – Combining Like Terms – Algebra

This algebra video tutorial explains how to simplify algebraic expressions with parentheses and variables by using the distributive property and by combining like terms.

Algebra 1 Final Exam Review:

Exponents – Free Formula Sheet:

Algebra Video Lessons:


  1. I learn si much bcz of the voice😅

  2. Your so much better than my may teacher

  3. Im in love with math and my friend’s with meth😅😅

  4. Dude if you ever stop posting videos my grades will go down like a slope

  5. Thank you for teaching me how to do polynomials

  6. I can not believe it is free 🎉🎉🎉

  7. @marcusofficial1899 February 20, 2025 at 11:57 am

    The savior of procrastinating high school students

  8. can someone please help me understand why 5xy+2xy equals to 7xy and not 7*2x*2y?
    isn’t 5xy the same as 5*x*y? so xy isn’t one thing it’s 2 variables so just like adding 5 and 2 shouldn’t we also add x and x, then y and y? I’m so lost

  9. Thank you for this,I had a hard time understanding during class because my teacher is too fast

  10. Nice explanation

  11. Brain’s banging, nose is dripping, throat is soar, I can’t deal with this math stuff rn man

  12. Helpful video very inspiring😊 even doe im post to be in 9th grade

  13. Thank you for this tutorial.Really helped me alot.Great teaching!


  15. The ppl who get 30% in maths…. Watching this video in 2024 like me…. 😂

  16. Thank you so much!!!!

  17. Thank bro

  18. if there is a 100÷5(3x+y) does it equal 60x+20y or 100/(15x+ 5y)??

  19. i understand it now smirk smirk

  20. @immapotatoreader3594 February 20, 2025 at 12:07 pm

    = 8x+28 ??

  21. Thanks!

  22. @TheOrganicChemistryTutor February 20, 2025 at 12:11 pm
  23. Thank you so much

  24. I got problem with understanding math🙄🙄

  25. i would like to say thank you i caught covid and missed a week of school and i missed an algebra exam and now ur helping me and millions of others i greatly appreciate you😁

  26. May this video save me in my exam

  27. @stevesilverstone1015 February 20, 2025 at 12:16 pm

    Gordon 10:23

  28. My teacher barely explained but thank u cus now i understand

  29. Yuh i still dont get it

  30. 23:38

  31. took 6 pages of notes lol love this guy keep it up bro

  32. I didn’t understand this in school and whenever I need help at home I don’t even bother to ask my dad for help and my mom always gets pissed at me for not getting it this really helped

  33. Grade 8 online test for term 3 pls add me ❤

  34. This is soo helpful thank you very much ❤❤❤

    Please more such videos

  35. How do we solve 4(2y-3)+6(1-y)

  36. 2:38 2:38 2:38

  37. You are an amazing teacher

  38. Love your work

  39. @immapotatoreader3594 February 20, 2025 at 12:41 pm

    My college instructor gives us this channel 😭😭 the way she explains it or teaches, I can’t process it, this one saved me

  40. Thanks ,love this 😊

  41. 谢谢up主播🎉🎉❤❤

  42. is it 9th grade or 8th grade
    cus last year i was in 8th and now in 9th but it looks like 8th

  43. thanks babe

  44. I have honors and this is 6th grade math honors for me

  45. Could you say MJ

  46. @IreneWapelle-lj3ez February 20, 2025 at 12:47 pm


  47. This YouTuber is legendary 😎

  48. @SUPREME_EDITZo-g5x February 20, 2025 at 12:49 pm

    why cant teachers teach like this in my place?

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