How to Influence Others | Robert Cialdini | Big Think

How to Influence Others | Robert Cialdini | Big Think

How to Influence Others
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The psychologist of persuasion Robert Cialini on winning friends and influencing people.

Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. His books including, Influence: Science & Practice, are the result of decades of peer-reviewed research on why people comply with requests.Influence has sold over 3 million copies, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in over 30 languages.

Because of the world-wide recognition of Dr. Cialdini’s cutting edge scientific research and his ethical business and policy applications, he is frequently regarded as the “Godfather of influence.” Dr. Cialdini received his Ph.D from the University of North Carolina and postdoctoral training from Columbia University. He has held Visiting Scholar Appointments at Ohio State University, the University of California, the Annenberg School of Communications, and the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University. Currently, Dr Cialdini is Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. Dr. Cialdini is CEO and President of INFLUENCE AT WORK; focusing on ethical influence training, corporate keynote programs, and the CMCT (Cialdini Method Certified Trainer) program. Dr. Cialdini’s clients include such organizations as Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Bayer, Coca Cola, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Ericsson, Kodak, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide Insurance, Pfizer, AAA, Northern Trust, IBM, Prudential, The Mayo Clinic, GlaxoSmithKline, Harvard University – Kennedy School, The Weather Channel, the United States Department of Justice, and NATO.

Robert Cialdini: We can begin by talking about the book Influence [the subtitle of the books is: The Psychology of Persuasion], which resulted from my two and a half year program of research into the training programs of all of the different influence professions to see what they do to get us to say yes. I was surprised by one thing that I encountered in all of these programs. There were only six universal principles. Now, there were hundreds, maybe thousands of individual tactics, but only six universal principles of influence that seem to capture the great majority of what all of these individuals were doing.

Reciprocity. The desire of all of us to give back to someone who has given to us. So if an individual gives us something, a free sample, for example, we feel obligated to at least listen to what they have to say. At the supermarket, for example, that little lady with the cubes of cheese and meat, after you’ve eaten one of those, it’s very hard to just give her back the toothpick. You feel like you’re obligated to buy. Reciprocity is one.

Another is scarcity. The desire to have those things you can have less of, so things that are scarce, rare, dwindling in availability. One of the things that many organizations will do is to inform us of how rare, how uncommon their features are.

Another principle is commitment and consistency. The desire to be consistent with what we’ve already said or done, to be congruent with our internal values and what we’ve said that we’re going to do. So, for example, one study showed that if you call people on the phone, registered voters, and asked them if they will vote in the upcoming election, they, of course say yes. And they now vote, significantly more often than if they didn’t receive that phone call getting them to commit to that sort of thing.

Another principle is consensus or what we call, social proof. The idea that people want to follow the lead of similar others, people just like them. We’ve done a study, for example, in hotels. I don’t know how much you travel but when I do, in 70% of the hotels where I stayed, there’s a little laminated card asking me to reuse my towels and linen, right? We put different kinds of cards in rooms to see what we could say on the card that would most increase the likelihood that people would say yes. What hotels typically say is, “Do this for the environment. Do this for future generations. Or cooperate with us toward this common cause…

Read the full transcript at


  1. @abdulrahmanaboluhom8474 February 20, 2025 at 11:50 am

    I guess one of them is having a very low voice.

  2. Are u influencing me rn?

  3. I learned a lot from your video.

  4. Authority when it is just perceived or organizational fake hierarchy assembled to keep employees in line, or soldiers, or cities etc. can lead to the worst in human behavior, abuse, and rationalization of horrific and destructive patterns.

    The reason is because it subconsciously WORKS. Like with writing, our social structures can Look like authority but just be a bunch of self-righteous assholes. Just saying. Same reason words work. They stand for a reality. Trigger our responses the same as reality. Automatically.

    Genuine vs spurious manipulation



    Still remember that crying Indian. OMG. I’m crying 😭 right now.

  5. @kingsleyarisah6354 February 20, 2025 at 11:54 am

    Wisdom right here

  6. @thejusticesparrows February 20, 2025 at 11:59 am

    I’m glad I read this book, it’s gob smacking in parts as these tactics were used on me. 😠 But better to know the psychology so one can identity them being used even by ‘respected’ title bearing professionals.

  7. This man has pulled the curtain BACK! Man your good, Iove the old 6 laws video. Reciprocity was airport flowers. So powerful an almost super power.

  8. Lmao this wizard is using his power of influence to get you to buy his book well played sir

  9. I believe there is more to this but the producer just cut off the rest and just gave us the "alright" or "acceptable" part by the society that we now live in, just to make the other people happy and not to hurt their emotions. Great video though, no hate.

  10. Robert Cialdini Hillary Clinton supporter.

  11. If he says that speaking slightly faster pace raises credibility, then why is he talking so slow in this video? Got em.

  12. @verticalmomentumresiliencypod February 20, 2025 at 12:13 pm

    This is truly amazing.

  13. Couldn’t listen to it because of the sound. Even though I put on max, I couldn’t hear anything. The guy is whispering

  14. Wearing navy blue , is a start to persuading people. Presidential Debates are a good example of this.

  15. This guy looks like the love child of Jackie Stalone and Eckhart Tolle

  16. Are those who know and those who don’t know equal?

  17. @jeremydelaporta5361 February 20, 2025 at 12:17 pm


  18. He speaks in the exact same manner in which he writes.

  19. If u want to influence other dont be selfish and tell the truth as simple as dat no need to study years or complicate things to sound smart

  20. I bought the book lately. Im still reading through it, it’s good but my only problem with the book is that it is one of those books that are not “direct & to the point”.

  21. Only in America. My studies show that people in other countries find "shit talk" like this guy is dribbling, from someone who exudes a certain type of elitist confidences brought about by self-prescribed esoteric "knowledge", and coupled with the thousand mile stare of an evangelical preacher and a face fit for radio, rather vulgar and reprehensible.
    If you’re dumb enough to buy it (Americans who bought the whole Jesus thing), it doesn’t mean others will subscribe to your brand of idiocy.

  22. @Discovery_and_Change February 20, 2025 at 12:22 pm

    0:34 6 principles, but hundreds of tactics
    0:53 #1) Reciprocity
    1:21 #2) Scarcity
    1:42 #3) Commitment and consistency
    2:17 #4) Consensus, social proof (herd mentality)
    4:44 Persuasion is also a science (that can be taught and learned)
    6:06 You can use persuasion with friends, neighbors, coworkers, boss
    6:59 Take a detective approach, not a smuggler approach (don’t make up facts)
    7:22 #5) Authority (and experts, being trustworthy)
    11:04 #6) Liking
    11:12 How similar we feel to people helps create "liking"
    11:50 Speak slightly more rapidly and you’ll seem more knowledgeable and confident
    14:10 Litter into litter, people will litter. Litter into pristine environment, people won’t

  23. I’ll be really friendly, take 4 or 5 samples, thank the worker, and walk away without buying a thing. Done it for decades. I must be a psychopath. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  24. @Discovery_and_Change February 20, 2025 at 12:23 pm

    3:35 Many managers don’t know what the research (on influence) says
    4:33 preternatural (existing outside of nature ; exceeding what is natural or regular ; extraordinary)

  25. Thank you for this insightful video. Merci ☀️

  26. @thejusticesparrows February 20, 2025 at 12:24 pm

    One of my Doctors used these tactics on me and I knew something wasn’t right. I knew he was hiding something, but I couldn’t work out what.
    When I found out he lives by these manipulations techniques I was absolutely appalled and disgusted beyond measure😠
    What a total creep. 
    We the mere plebs, his customers and his clients are not as dumb as he thinks we are!! He might be RICH but as a human being he is … p o o r.

  27. Noding head=persuation to yes

  28. Want to get Smarter, Faster? 
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  29. Add Watson, Rayner, Pavlov, Milgram, Zimbardo, and Huff, and you’ve got a pretty complete picture of how politicians have turned society into the $#!+ show that it is today.

  30. I recently finished his famous book of Influence. just amazing. taught me a lot! thanks Robert. good thing is, I am not tax payer 😉

  31. Tune into an exclusive interview with Binance’s CEO for a sneak peek into future developments

  32. He looks like that alien from men in black

  33. This is what went wrong with the corona mandates. The authorities are not genuine

  34. 1. Reciprocity
    2. Commitment and consistency
    3. Social proof and consensus
    4. Authority
    5. Scarcity
    6. Liking

  35. He seems like a noble individual. But who knows, he’s a psychologist, perhaps I’ve just been manipulated 🤷🏻‍♂️

  36. This is a VERY smart man right there.

  37. @chasingshadows1543 February 20, 2025 at 12:36 pm

    @ 4:00 thank you.

  38. There is also fake advertising the"crying Indian"(iron eyes cody)wasn’t even native American he was of Italian parentage.

  39. Absolutely brilliant

  40. He convinced me that I do now want to buy his book. This says to me, he does know his stuff, his stuff works and I should therefore read his book.

  41. @DharmendraRaiMindMap February 20, 2025 at 12:38 pm

    Bob rocks !

  42. 10 years ago? amazing I was surprised because of the screen ratio

  43. Cialdini:
    1. Gives you advice (you’ll want to like the video/buy his book)
    2. Knows that you are the shepherd of your own life, why wouldn’t you want to hear these important tips?
    3. Knows that others will want to know this, don’t miss out!
    4. Smiles and has a friendly demeanour, also gives you friendly advice
    5. Presents himself as a scientist (and wears a suit)
    6. Explains that this book is special as it contains certain knowledge you won’t find elsewhere

    He knows his stuff! 😉

  44. @fabriziofederico9487 February 20, 2025 at 12:43 pm

    Universal principles of influence
    Reciprocity/scarcity/commitment & consistancy/ social proof/

  45. @ajaythomaslukose1635 February 20, 2025 at 12:45 pm

    He clearly explains

  46. Not everyone thinks like this person!!!

  47. Brilliant

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