YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING | Keep Going And Don’t Quit – Inspirational & Motivational Video
YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING | Keep Going And Don’t Quit – Inspirational & Motivational Video
If you are waiting for a breakthrough, trust God is at work. Keep going and take the next step in faith. And God will honor those steps with a breakthrough. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel. Stick with your faith and stick with God. A breakthrough may be closer than you realize!
✭ X:
David Hernandez
Andy Wood
Jerry Savelle
Dale Bronner
Gregory Dickow
Whitesand – Imperfections
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Our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
My forever love Dineth 🥰 My kingdom spouse Dineth 🥰 My forever loving husband Dineth 🥰 My forever loving soulmate Dineth 🥰 I love Dineth 🥰 My everything Dineth 🥰 I will never give up on him 🥰 I am waiting for my Dineth 🥰 My loving God father Jesus going to make it happen ♥️🥺✝️❤🥰
My loving Jesus ❤✝️🥺🥰 All glory to Jesus ❤🦋🦋🌻♥️🥺
මගේ මුලු ආත්මයෙන්ම මම ප්රාර්ථනා කරන , මගේ මුලු හදවතින්ම ආදරය කරන, මගේ එකම ආදරය වන්නේ දිනෙත් විතරමයි. මාව මගේ සදාදරනීය ජේසු පියානන්ට ලන් කරපු ඒ පින්වත් ආදරය මගේ ආදරනීය දිනෙත් ජේසු පියානන් ගේ ආශිර්වාදයෙන් මගේ වී අවසන්..ඒ ආශිර්වාදයට මගේ ජේසුට ස්තූති වේවා..ප්රශංසා වේවා..ඔබවහන්සේගේ පින්වත් ආශිර්වාදය හැමදාමත් මගේ ප්රේමයට ලැබේවා..මුලු විශ්වයේම ආශිර්වාදය , මගේ ජේසු අම්මගේ ආශිර්වාදය දිනෙත්ටයි මටයි සදාකාලිකවම ලැබේවා..අපේ ආදරය සදාකාලිකවම රැකගෙන ජීවිතයේ ඉදිරියටම යන්න වාසනාව අපි දෙන්නටම ලැබේවා…ශුද්ධ වු . අන්තෝනි මුනිදුනී අපේ ආදරය සදාකාලිකවම රැකගෙන ජීවිතයේ ඉදිරියටම යන්න දිනෙත්ටයි මටයි සදාකාලිකවම ඔබවහන්සේගේ පින්වත් නිර්මල ආශිර්වාදය ලබාදෙනු මැනව..අපි වෙනුවෙන් ජේසු පියානන් ඉදිරියේ යාඤ්ඤා කල මැනව යාච්ඤා කළ මැනව..දස දහස් වාරයක් , සිය දහස් වාරයක් කෝටි ප්රකෝටි වාරයක් දිනෙත්ගේ ප්රේමය ජීවිතය අවසානය දක්වාම මගේ සදාදරණීය ජේසු පියානන්ගේ නිර්මල පින්වත් ආශිර්වාදයෙන් මටම පමනක් හිමි වේවා ! මුලු දිවිය පවතින තුරාම දිනෙත්ගේ ආදරනීය බිරිඳ , ප්රේමණීය ආදරය මම විතරමයි..ඔහු මගේම විතරයී..දිනෙත්ගේ පිවිතුරු ආදරය දසදහස් වරක් මට උරුම වේවා✝️🥺🦋🌻🥺✝️❤️🙏🕊️
ජේසුට මං හරි ආදරෙයි ❤️🙏
මෙතෙක් කල් ලස්සන කාර් එකක් වෙනුවන් සිහින දැක්පු අපේ පවුලට මගේ සදාදරණීයෙ ජේසු දෙවි පියාණන් ඉක්මනටම ලස්සන කාර් එකක් අපිට ලබා දෙනවාමයි..මගේ සදාදරණීයෙ ජේසු දෙවි පියාණන්ට ස්තූති වේවා! ප්රශංසා වේවා ! මහිමය වේවා!✝️❣️🦋🌻♥️😊🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰😊😊♥️♥️🌻🌻🦋❣️❣️✝️✝️
Let us stay focus on Jesus. Jesus is the only one that we need. Despite your circumstances let us give Jesus all the honor, praise and worship. Let us glorify His Holy Name.💙💙💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I ‘accidentally’ clicked on the notification for this video doing something else on my phone and of course… Gods timing is perfect because I needed this message today! 🙏🙏🙏
This video came at the perfect time. It reminded me to keep pushing forward even when the road gets tough. My breakthrough is on the horizon!
Thankyou for this video. I needed so much to hear this.❤❤❤
This message came at the perfect time. Truly inspiring and a reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles. Thank you for this encouragement Amen 🙌🏾
Amen God ❤😢
What a powerful and heartfelt message! No matter the struggles, God’s love remains constant. Truly inspiring and deeply moving! ❤
Amen and Amen Thank you God for everything always and forever in the mighty name of Yahusha 100%unconditionally!🙏🙌🤎 Hallelujah
Keep going don’t give up !Love this message ❤🎉🎉🎉
Wow the MOST powerful message i have heard in 2025! Thank you Jesus! 🙌🏽🙏🏾
Amen in Jesus name
Please help me to pray for God to do his work in me and to restore my marriage.
Father, I need help. God, please forgive me all my sins. Lord, help me to put all my trust in you. Amen
Such an inspiring video! It really reminded me to keep pushing forward, no matter how tough things get. My breakthrough is coming, and I won’t quit! 💪✨
Thank you Lord for this encouraging word today!❤❤❤
You’re watching this for a reason. You’re listening to this for a reason. You might have tears in your eyes right now. You’re either looking to or have given up because nothing is happening in the time that YOU want it to. It’s ok to cry, yell, or be frustrated, but it is not about your timing and it’s not ok for you to give up. Get up and go at it again champ. The Most high is in control. #Ikeptmytowel
Thank you
I’m a convicted felon and I hate my job. It’s mundane, monotonous, boring, and not challenging. Yet it’ll take me months to find another job because no one gives felons another chance.
Thank you SO MUCH: I AM already believing it!!!
6:33 Amen!!! God will!! God can. My first love!
Don’t grow weary be diligent don’t get discouraged .Profound message ❤❤❤❤❤🎉
THANK YOU GOD! AMEN. ✝️❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻🕊
Amen God‘s timing is perfect 🙏
Amen 🙏 ❤
Years ago, when I was still with my sons mother, they made me a painting with their hands were the leaves of a tree. And she wrote strong roots make beautiful leaves. We separated in October of 2015. I got sober in April of 2016. I have a relationship with God today that answers prayers. Maybe not in the time I want or in the way I want, but I know He’s in control not me. I’m grateful for the journey today.😎🐫🙏
*Dear those of you reading this Ruth went from working in the field to owning the field! Don’t ever underestimate how fast Gracious GOD can turn things around.Imagine waiting on Gracious GOD then boom He blessed you with home than you asked for! Get ready.It’s happening for you!!!*
Amen and amen
❤Amen stay strong in Christ Jesus.Keep praying!🙏🌹💜
Amen 🙏 Thank you God for everything.
God took the first step towards you. Take the first step in faith, step on God’s path, which is full of hope, and watch how God begins to act in your life.❤️
Amen 🙏🏻
God bless me Jesus Christ amen 🙏 l love youse with all my heart soul amen 🙏👼🐺🦋🏴
I’ve already posted the in another video but it bears repeating. This channel is truly one of God’s ways of communicating with me.
Today I was worried that I was not getting anywhere in life and this video pops up at just the right time
I won’t give up this heath battle BELIEVING a supernatural healing is coming!!!!!!!
💕Father God. I seem to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders as a single mom, I often face challenges that can seem insurmountable especially with raising two children with special needs. I feel so helpless. I’m trying to balance everything but Lord I’m struggling to make ends meet, to pay bills, and to put food on the table for my children. HEAVENLY FATHER Thank you for giving ME strength to keep going.
God bless. 🤍🕊✝️🛐
We advise all our clients to listen to this channel first thing in the morning!
Excellent video, mind blowing
Thank you
Thank you😢❤
I love you my LORd❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇲🙏🙏
My heart is tired but I trust God’s timing. Amen ❤🙏🏾
Such a powerful and encouraging message! This video is a reminder to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. Breakthrough is on the way—thank you for this motivating boost of hope and strength! 💪✨🙏